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captain_jack_sparrow___vectorHello, my name is Michael Analambano. I'm a business and investment consultant and my passion is to share what I have learnt over years with anyone I come accross.
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How to use less money to become very rich .

Thursday 17 September 2020
how to use less money to become very rich

One of the best lesson you can learn in life is to understand that money is not just a paper or a coin that you can hold in your hand to buy things or pay for services.

The best way to understand money is to look at the seed of a tree. A seed may not be as valuable as a tree which has already grown . A grown up tree can have many benefits of which a seed may not have .

But one great secret about a seed is that, it has the potential to produce the same tree with time .

Inside every  seed is a tree which can bear many fruits  that  contains many seeds which can  produce many other trees .So in short, in every seed is an ability to produce a forest .

So just like a seed has the ability to produce a forest, so should money be seen

Money is a seed to get more money .Every one dollar bill is a seed to produce millions of dollars .

No matter how small the money in your hand may be, if you can have this understanding that it's a seed to get more money to make you rich ,am really sure you will value your money very well.

Have you ever wondered why an amount of money which is not much to you was someone's business start up capital ?You may one day come across  someone who is having a big cooperation today and that person  will tell you of how much they started their business with and  you already have that same money but you don't know what to do with it but rather complaining that,that isn't not much.

A hundred dollar note may not be much to you but  a business man somewhere knows how to multiply that money over a short period of time.

So the reason why  money, which is of less value to you can make a fortune for someone is because of the ability of your mind. Most people are school smart but not financially smart .Can you imagine some markets women with less education are more financially smarter than many highly educated people.

There are people, if you give them one thousand dollars they will never be able to add even a dollar to it and may even run into debt and there are some people to who will be able to make several thousands from that one thousand dollars .

 So in simple, what everyone needs is not more money but more knowledge of how to  multiply or increase every money that's comes into your hand.

The way to become more rich with the money you have currently is to begin to invest it into your mind to become financially smart .

No matter how small your money may be ,begin to buy books on money and read , and with time, you will gain so much knowledge which will help you to have a different value of any money that comes into your hand .As you do this, you will begin to see several opportunities to multiply your money which you never knew before .

If you are someone who really doesn't value reading or you find it difficult to read ,there is an option for you.

Kindly get audio books on business or finance or investment from YouTube and play them.

You can also begin with PDF books and download an audio PDF reader from either google play store or IOS store and be playing them with your  head phones anywhere you go.

See it takes times to be great and if you will pay the prize it  cost to be great then you will surely be great  in any field .

So to wrap up everything, the way to turn your money into riches is to first invest whatever money you have right now into mind by giving yourself some financial literacy .

Learn to invest money into your mind like you invest into buying nice things to wear on your body.

Success costs what it costs, so you have to pay the price to be successful. It may cost you money either buy data to download the audio books  or PDF books or it may cost you money to buy hard copy books to read. Please do it and over a few month later you will be extremely wise financially.

Am sure you can also take some short courses from online schools or institutions around you on entrepreneurship or investments.

Any money your invest into your mind will come back to you even with higher returns.

When you become financially wise every money will become a seed to get money .Contact me through my email if you want to know what books to start with.

Written by

Michael Analambano

(Business developer )


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