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How to start a sales conversation on WhatsApp

Wednesday 7 July 2021

 Whatsapp conversation

The sales conversation on WhatsApp is what decide whether the customer will buy your product or not. Most sales are lost during the conversation after the client has shown an interest in the advert they saw on WhatsApp status, WhatsApp broadcast message or WhatsApp group.

 Losing one client on WhatsApp is very crucial because,  that client who has seen your advert is a door way to all the people around them who don’t have your contact. For this reason, it is very important that anyone who does WhatsApp marketing  knows the effective ways to sell on WhatsApp.

Before you ever get the privilege to get a potential customer on WhatsApp, you should either have an effective WhatsApp business account  or download and install normal WhatsApp or any of the GB WhatsApp which most people use in this current era.

If these things are already done, and you are advertising your products and potential clients shows interest in your adverts , the following are ways to carry out your Whatsapp chat.

How to start a sales conversation on whatsapp

1. Show your interest in the client.

Most clients may contact you directly asking about the product without even greeting you or asking about your welfare. Before you ever reply the question they have asked about the product, show appreciation to them for taking their time to chat you and then also use the opportunity to ask them about their welfare or about how well of their day.

2.Responding to price 

If the first question from client is about the price of the product, do not rush to answer because in the mind of the client they may have a price target, which if you don’t mention, they will not like to continue the conversation . Talk to them like an expert who is ready to assist them buy the best product from you rather  than just selling to them. You can do so by asking them about the product, may be of the possible uses which they prefer to use the product and this question will calm them down about the fear of mentioning a price they can't afford.  

Due to the client having less information about the value or benefits they can get from your product, all they think about is how expensive the product is but not the value. So ask a question about the value of the product and if they have no idea, use that opportunity to talk about it before coming to answer the price question.

Sometimes you may not even get the opportunity to talk about the price because, the client may raise another question to know more about the product and by the times you are done with this value conversation, telling the client the price wont be an issue.

3. Responding to Hi

If the client just sent you a Hi  tagging your advert from either a group or WhatsApp status, then begin the conversation by showing appreciation for them reaching you and ask about how they are doing. If the clients has ask no question about your adverts but just sent a hi, do not begin the chat by talking about the product . Ask them a question of what they will like to know about the product or service.

4.Don’t be needful in the conversation.

After you have made a comment or answer a question asked by the customer, wait for them to reply before you type again. Typing a lot during the conservation for a simple question asked by the client, puts you in the desperate  positions for sales .This create an impression in the mind of the clients you are desperate to sell to them at all cost and this will begin to push them way or make them show less interest in your product.

5.Be a master conversationalist.

Take charge of the conversation by putting the customer need into question and come up with a discussion. For example, if the clients was to buy a night gown from you, it presupposes that the person has night event coming up. You can ask questions about the event and the type of people who will be available at the event. During this time, you can advice the person why the product she wants to buy is the best or if not, you suggest another type to her which will be most suitable for the event.

 During the conversation, act like a consultant that want to help the buyer rather than sounding like salesman. This will make the person feels more comfortable talking to you and also have more confident in buying your product .

6. Ask questions in the negative

When you realise the conversation is getting slow or cold, ask questions in the negative to revive the conversation. For example, after the person is not fully ready to make any payment for the product, you can ask a negative question like' is there something bothering you about buying this product or service. They will properly say no and may tell you why they are holding on and if they don’t, then you can ask them what the issue then is. 

7. Boost their trust

Assure them of a trust for their fears. In the case where the client will have to make payment before delivery of the product, assure them if the product is not what they want they can return it for it to be changed for them. If you have a delivery before payment, then kindly let them know of it the vice versa let them know too. If you have a free trail version of your product or service, kindly let them have it. If the fear of  people have about your business is not listed here, then find it and then find a proper way to solve it. Sometimes your credibility goes with how you have branded yourself. So, if you charge a lot of money for your product or service then you will need a website or physical address for people to have no fears of doing business with you. If you are rendering services of any kind or sells products, you can show them people you have done services for in time ago.

8. Close the sale.

After having all the conversation, some clients may still not decide whether to purchase the product or may not have the money to get the product at the time of the conversations. So it is this time you will determine when this sales will be made. Have a force closing technique by asking the clients what time of the day will he like to get the product. If they will buy on the day of the chat, they will let you  know so you can suggest your payment plan to them.

If they give you a different day rather than the day of the conversation, just note it down by checking up on them on the day given .

So these are the few ways to have sales conversation on WhatsApp and I hope it will be of help to your business.

Kindly leave a comment to let us know what you also suggest for selling on WhatsApp.

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